- Diretoria
- Conselho de Administração
- Comitês
RÉGIS GUIMARÃES CAMPOS - Chief Executive Officer
Holds a degree in Law from Universidade FUMEC (2004) and post graduated in an MBA in Finance from the Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais – IBMEC (2007). He holds the position as Commercial Vice President from June 7, 2014 until now, having previously held a position as an Officer from July 11, 2007 until June 6, 2014. In addition, he is an Administrator at GoldMoney Multisservices Ltda. (BMG Group), whose business activity is dedicated to loans, from 2016 to date.
ANDRÉ DE SOUSA LIMA CAMPOS - Executive Vice-President
Graduated in civil engineering and transport from Pontifical Catholic University – PUC (2001), and post graduate in Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral (2005). Holds the position of Commercial Vice President from June 7, 2014 Commercial Vice President, having previously held the position of Officer from July 11, 2007 until June 6, 2014. He also holds the position as Officer at AG Locação de Equipamentos Ltda, whose business activity is aimed at establishing establishing urban areas (urban allotment), from 2004 until now. He was President of the Civil Construction Industry Union in the State of Minas Gerais – Sinduscon-MG from 2015 to 2018 and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Chamber of Civil Construction Industry – CBIC from 2015 to 2018. Representative delegate of the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais – FIEMG from 2015 to 2018.
André Alves Avelar - Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer
Holds a degree in Business Administration from FASAR – Faculdade Santa Rita, (2006), has taken part in international specialization courses such as the “Management Principles” carried out at the DIT – Dublin Institute of Technology, (2008), as well as the Ohio Module in Human Resources Management held at Ohio University/USA (2012). He holds an MBA in Business Management from FGV/RJ – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, (2012/2013) and an MBA in Finance and Controllership from FDC – Fundação Dom Cabral (2019/2022). Previously, worked as Financial Administrative Manager (Projects/Works) at Fidens Engenharia, a heavy construction company (2009/2013), as well as being Financial Administrative Manager (Projects/Works) at Pavotec, a company in the paving and earthworks sector (2014/2015); He was Administrative/Operational Superintendent, at Grupo Cem Participações, in the development and subdivision sector (2015/2017). Afterwards, he worked as CFO/IR – Administrative and Financial Director, at Grupo Fazendão Agronegócios (2017/2020), in the Agricultural Commodities/Agribusiness/Industry sector and was prior to joining our Company, CFO – Administrative and Financial Director, Rodrigues da Cunha Construtora e Incorporadora (2020/2021) a real state developer.
Bernardo Aroeira - Chief Management Officer
He was a Consultant at Falconi (2003 – 2015). Executive at Real Guindastes (2015 -2019) and Operations Director at Estapar Estajamentos (2019 – 2023). Mr. Bernardo has a degree in Business Administration from the Centro Universitário de Ciências Gerais ±CCG/UNA in July 2003, a specialist in Management with an emphasis on Finance from Fundação Dom Cabral in August 2008 and a Specialist in Retail Marketing from UFMG in 2014
Felipe Amarante Boaventura - Chief Legal Officer
Legal Director of Emccamp Residencial S.A. Legal Advisor to CONJUR/CBIC and Sinduscon-MG, Master in Business Law from Faculdade Milton Campus and postgraduate in the Executive MBA in business management from Fundação Dom Cabral
Luiz Eduardo Alves Machado - Chief Production Officer
Graduated in Civil Engineering in 1993 from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He completed postgraduate studies at COPPEAD – UFRJ in 2015. He was Director of Operations at MRL Engenharia from 2003 to 2023.
José Maurício Pinheiro de Campos Filho - Chief Engineering officer
Bachelor in Civil Engineering in 1999 from FUMEC – MG and in 2006 completed his MBA in Business Management from IBMEC-MG. He joined the Company in 1995 as an intern and became a Civil Engineer in
2000, working as Contract Manager between 2007 and 2009, as Construction Supervisor between 2010 and 2021 and as Construction Superintendent from 2022.
Flavio Gonçalves de Souza - Chief Production Officer - SP
Graduated in Civil Engineering in 2001 from the Kenedy Engineering School, specialized in Civil Construction Management from IBMEC in 2006 and in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from UERJ in 2008.
He joined the Company as an intern, was promoted to Civil Engineer in 2002, worked as Works Supervisor between 2010 and 2020 and, finally, as Works Superintendent from 2021.
RÉGIS PINHEIRO DE CAMPOS - CEO and Member of the Board of Directors
Graduated in business administration at the Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis de Belo Horizonte/MG (1975). He has held the position of Chief Executive Officer since July 11, 2007 until now, having been an Administrator since the Foundation until 2007. In addition, he is the Chief Executive Officer of RPC Empreendimento Imobiliários, whose business activity is aimed at the institution of real estate ventures.
EDUARDO PINHEIRO CAMPOS - President of the Board of Directors
Graduated in engineering from the Engenharia Kennedy in Belo Horizonte/MG (1973). He has held the position of General Vice President since June 7, 2014 and Technical Manager since July 11, 2007, both until now. Previously, held the position as Director from July 11, 2007 until June 6, 2014; and Officer from 1987 to 2007. In addition to occupying the position Director at AG Locação de Equipamentos Ltda., from 2004 to date. Holds the position as Officer at the Dona Neném and São João Grande farms, coffee production, from 2002 until now.
BRUNO GUEDES PEREIRA - Independent Member of the Board of Directors
Bruno Guedes was one of the youngest directors at Citibank responsible for an office in New York City focused on the Brazilian market, and has 20 years of experience in the international financial market. He worked for 3 years in the energy sector where he participated in the acquisition of concessions in Africa and Brazil. He was also Vice President of Petra Energia and responsible for M&A and debt structuring. It’s one of the founders and Iron Capital’s current CEO.
He has a Master in Business Administration from Columbia University and from the London Business School, and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from USP.
DELSON MIRANDA TOLENTINO - Independent Member of the Board of Directors
Graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais UFMG in Business Administration (1959) and in accounting (1963). Holds the position of Executive Director and Consultant at DR Consultoria Empresarial Ltda, a company whose business activity is to provide accounting and financial consulting services, from 2009 to the present.
FLÁVIA GUIMARÃES CAMPOS - Member of the Board of Directors
Graduated in business administration from Instituto Izabela Hendrix (2000). Ms. Flávia is an advisor to the Board of Directors of Banco BMG S.A, from February 2020 to the present, being an effective member of the people, strategy and governance committees. She was Cultural and Organizational Superintendent and Change Management at Banco BMG S.A, from November 2019 to February 2020. Held the position as Marketing Superintendent at Banco BMG S.A, from February 2004 to February 2019.
EDUARDO PINHEIRO CAMPOS FILHO - Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Eduardo Filho currently holds the position of Director at Emccamp Residencial SA, having been elected on November 16, 2023. Previously he held the positions of Administrative and Financial Vice-President from June 7, 2014 until November 16, 2023 and as Director from November 25, 2010 to June 6, 2014. He is also Director at AG Locação de Equipamentos Ltda, whose business activity is aimed at establishing subdivisions, from 2004 to date. Furthermore, he is Administrator of the Dona Neném and São João Grande Farms, intended for coffee production, from 2002 to date and Administrator of Terra Brava Agropecuária, an enterprise dedicated to the genetic improvement of cattle, from 2002 to date. He also holds the position of administrator at Europec Empreendimentos Agropecuários, an enterprise dedicated to beef cattle farming, from 2018 to date. Mr. Eduardo has a degree in civil and transport engineering from the Kennedy School of Engineering (2007).
MARINA GUIMARÃES CAMPOS - Member of the Board of Directors
Ms. Marina currently holds the position of Director at Emccamp Residencial SA having been elected on November 16, 2023. Previously she held the position of Marketing Director at Emccamp Residencial S.A. from June 7, 2014 to November 16, 2023. Ms. Marina has a degree in Business Administration from Centro Universitário UNA (2002).
CIRO COSTA CHAGAS - Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Partner at Moises Freire Advocacia, Head of Corporate Criminal Law and Corporate Governance, PhD in Criminal Law and National Financial System at UFMG, Master in Economic and Social Relations Law at Faculdade Milton Campos. Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at Estácio de Sá University. Professor at Estácio’s Post-Graduate Course in Corporate Governance, Specialist in Criminal Economic Law and Theory of Crime (Universidad Castilla La-Mancha- Spain). Specialist in Tax Law from Universidade Gama Filho.
EDER CARVALHO MAGALHÃES - Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Graduated in Accounting, with a postgraduate degree in Finance from IBMEC and an Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral. Master’s Degree in Administration from PUC-MG and Fundação Dom Cabral. Works as CEO of Comrades Consultoria, Accounting and Business Training, since 12/2017. Previously worked as a consultant for 3 years, 22 years as an accounting manager and then as an internal audit manager at Grupo Andrade Gutierrez, 2 years as an accounting manager at Fiat do Brasil, 6 years as an external auditor at PWC and 2 years at Grupo Vale. He is a certified Board Member by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC).
DELSON MIRANDA TOLENTINO - Member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais UFMG in Business Administration (1969) and in accounting (1973). Held a position as financial executive in companies from the mining, steel and heavy construction sectors. Holds the position of Executive Director and Consultant at DR Consultoria Empresarial Ltda, a company whose business activity is to provide accounting and financial consulting services, from 2009 to the present.